Business Premise
Friedrichstraße 153 a, 154, Mittelstraße 55, Berlin
DIV Deutsche Immobilienfonds Verwaltungsgesellschaft für Grundbesitzanlagen
Construction Period
1900–1914, 1997–98
Gross Floor Area
5.500 m²
The corner building in Friedrichstrasse adjacent to Mittelstrasse (built 1898–1900) is an early creation of Alfred Breslauer, architect and student of Alfred Messel. The building of the former »Polish Pharmacy« as well as the adjacent buildings of Friedrichstrasse 154 and Mittelstrasse 55 are listed buildings. All the three of them are one functional unit and enable use for modern office and business activities. The interior design is a modern abstraction of the historic original rather than a copy of the latter. It provides for a flexible floor plan for office use at high technical standards. Carefully restored staircases, a highly demanding court yard design and most up-to-date installations contribute to long-term value retention in this historic centre of Berlin.